Vanessa Simpson

Vanessa Simpson

I began my yoga practice 8 years ago in college. It was very relaxing and most importantly, I loved the people that came to the class. I remember my teacher introduced us to this movie called ‘Samara’ as homework, and it blew my mind. That facilitated me to going deeper into my spiritual journey with my yoga practice.

I decided to teach yoga because I have been a healer and coach for years, and yoga has been a grounding place in my life for me to center and align with my true nature. I deduced after years of study in other areas of healing, it was time to step into this roll as yoga teacher as well.

My 200 hour YT was with Global Soul Yoga. My main takeaway from this training was having a deeper foundation in yoga philosophy, subtle body anatomy and also pranayama. It helped me understand why asana is correlated to the mental, emotional, spiritual through the process of oneness in a pose. Also, how yoga is so much more than physical postures. Learning how to take it off the mat and into my daily lifestyle was a big part of my training.

I specialize in Vinyasa, Pranayama, Chakra/Subtle body anatomy and philosophy. You can expect to experience compassion, presence and wisdom in my classes. I believe being a yoga teacher is holding a sacred space, therefore, a sacred experience for the students. Intention - is – everything

I personally have a morning movement practice along with meditation/journaling and an asana class 3 times a week. Additionally, I facilitate classes/workshops and ceremonies such as Chakra activation, healer’s academy, pranayama classes and moon circles.

Maegan Quaife