Autumn Equinox: Attuning with the Season with Shawna Fisher

A shift into the new season is upon us. 

"Mother Earth prepares for her transition into the yin part of the year on September 22nd during the Autumnal Equinox, which means there is an energetic shift happening within our bodies as well."

Our modern lifestyles are in constant motion.  We are often moving through life fulfilling many roles and responsibilities day after day, all year long, which explains why so many of us have arrived at some point in our lives feeling exhausted and “burnt out”.  This way of living is not aligned with our inherent rhythms (available to us all). 

We are all blessed to have access to an incredible teacher who consistently guides and teaches us how we can support our innate rhythms alongside the rest of the natural world within the plant and animal kingdom. When we align our energy with the natural world, we have the ability to live a more balanced and connected life. We are less likely to find ourselves in a state of exhaustion because like a gentle and wise teacher, Mother Earth uses the seasons to show us when to slow down and reflect (Autumn), when to rest and restore (Winter), when to take root and grow (Spring), and when to blossom and flourish (Summer).  

The Equinox is one of the most potent times to create space for ourselves to turn inward and explore how we’re being asked to restore our own balance in all areas of our life. It's time to begin preparing for the coming dark months ahead as nature is slowing down and turning inward. It's a time to fully appreciate, celebrate, and enjoy (the bounty from our harvests in the garden, our relationships, and our achievements) as the leaves and fruits falling from the trees release the abundant growth to support the next cycle and sustain life for the dark months ahead. 

If you are interested in creating intentional space for yourself to lean into your healing and wholeness, I would be honored to share the space with you and support you at the upcoming Autumn Equinox Ceremony. 

In devotion to your wholeness and expansion, 

Shawna 'Mama Fish'

Maya Revilla