Kait Johnson

My aunt took me to my first Hot Yoga class In 2009 at Hot Yoga Inc in Federal Way. I felt like I was
dying the entire time, I couldn’t wait for class to be done. Then when I was finally out of class
drinking a smoothie, all I could think about was when I’d be able to go back for another class. I was
still in middle school, and had been struggling to run my mile. After beginning a consistent hot yoga
practice, I began to fly through the mile. The benefits were unbelievable, I could feel the changes
deep within. My love for yoga snuck up on me and has stayed with me ever since.
In 2014 I began to dive deeper into my practice, beyond the postures further into my soul. I sought
healing for my physical body, my mind, and my soul. I had been diagnosed with endometriosis and
instead of surgery I decided to try natural methods. By adding a daily yoga practice to my routine,
changing my diet, and meditating, my body began to heal. My reactions to people and life became
calmer, more connected, and overall I found myself becoming a version of myself who I had always
longed to be.

In 2018 I joined the spring teacher training with Hot26. Teacher training was an amazing time for me.
The mind-body connection was my main takeaway. It’s real, it’s so much more powerful than we
know and our body’s intelligence is always listening. Finding balance between mind, body, and soul
leads to a deeper connection to the self, opening the door to the divine.
In the winter of 2018 I began training to teach Yin. This was a pivotal moment for me, the balance
between Yin and Yang finally revealed itself to me and changed my practice forever. When you
combine the two you have a strong practice that penetrates deeper into your soul, opening the
doorway for healing yourself.

My intention for students is to allow the body to let go of tension that is accompanied by stressful
thoughts and memories. I try to create a space in my classes where people can begin to identify
reoccurring thoughts and self talk. We as humans have a tendency to be so hard on ourselves and
can even become addicted to negative emotions. Freeing ourselves from these negative thought
patterns frees us from the past and opens us up to the present moment, creating a new path into the
future full of light and love. This is what I want for everyone.
I hope to create an openness within the space that allows each person to feel calm, compassionate,
confident and optimistic, inspiring them to feel peace, love and strength of both the body and mind.
My own daily yoga practice incorporates breathing practices, meditation and mindfulness. I currently
teach Hatha and Yin and hope to expand my offerings at Sol Health Yoga.

Maegan Quaife