They all go into a deep dive through their interpretations and evolution of understanding God, their naked marriage at Burning Man, and the mirror and reflections of a soulful relationship while living in a communal home of 14 intentional people. They discovered the multitude of ‘mirrors’ within intimate relationships with their housemates and where god is within all of us. Zoë shares how her community holds her accountable within her challenges and encourages her to ‘check herself’ while she shows up in the world. Danny shares times of discomfort centered within separateness. He shares his personal breakthroughs within fueling his connections and responsibility to manage stress and create vibrant health and overall wellness. Danny shares the motto ‘choose your suffering or it will choose you’ in an effort to paint the picture of the extremes of pain and pleasure, light and dark, and opposition in life and balancing the dance of the non-duality. He shares his ideas in the difference between belief and faith and the contrast between western religion and eastern spirituality, while the merging of the two and connecting the Waters between all the Oceans. Danny shares the concept of infinity and the dimensions of music and sound through the possibilities of creation. They switch gears into the ‘forgetting that we are God’ and being the ‘wound protector’ that is interpreted as the shadow and living within separateness. Zoë shares her experiences of the darkness growing while hardening in the ego and softening within the light of soul. She shares the importance of the dance within the duality as we allow ourselves to live free from fear of death. Danny shares his journey of awareness through observation of self and identifying who the true self is within enlightenment. Phil and Danny share how fatherhood has really helped him with balancing the responsibilities of deeper purpose in life. Zoë shares her ego’s need to be understood and her soul’s need to understand. Both Danny and Zoë share their love of music and the power of the ‘wash’ and restoration that they feel from Sacred Sonic Space. Here is a quick video of Sadhguru talking about responsibility: Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy Vivikananda & The Complete Book of Yoga: is a great Alan Watts lecture: is another great Sadhguru talk with Mike Tyson: Watts Yin Yang Singers website with great talks: the opening quote was from the complete book of Yoga by Swami VivikanandaI think the monk I heard about the whole being the middle is named Shi Heng Yi. Here is one of his talks: of The Universe, free podcast with Michael Singer:, The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer: a book about healing trauma, 'Trust, Surrender, Receive' by Anne OtherFollow Maya and Paula on Instagram and Facebook: @solhealthFor upcoming events visit: www.solhealthyoga.comEmail us: with any questions.Music featured in this episode by Bensound.comPlease share this podcast with a friend and give them a love tap with some inspiration for growth.